How big?

I go through my days talking to God. Sometimes it’s really funny stuff and I end up laughing. Sometimes there is no humor at all. I LOVE that I serve a God who is more than ok with both!

This week in Bible study I shared about the rough-looking sticky note attached to the window frame in front of my kitchen sink. It used to be hot pink and crisp in appearance. That is no longer the case.

I can’t tell you when I stuck it there. I can’t even tell you where I found the quote or who said it. What I CAN tell you is that it is a daily challenge to me as I talk with God about matters great and small.

It has become my perpetual reminder to make my prayers larger than my circumstances…and about more than just MY circumstances. Each time I see it I am reminded of Paul’s prayers for the early church at Ephesus (Ephesians 3:20-21) and I am challenged to pray for things that ONLY God can do.

Who and what are YOU praying for today? Does the size of your prayer match the size of your God? Food for thought.

Grace and Peace!

Thankful Thursday

“It is a good thing to be rich, and to be strong, but it is a better thing to be beloved of many friends.”


For those who know the way to my heart, who have joined together in search of God and the exploration of the Word, laughed both with and AT me, become part of my heart family, and given the precious gifts of time and friendship…

…my gratitude to God knows no bounds.

Grace and Peace!

What’s next?

“Don’t refuse to go on a wild-goose chase; that is what wild geese are made for.”

Henry S. Haskins

It would, perhaps, be simpler if we always understood exactly what happens “next” each day, but then where’s the adventure in that? What need, then, would we have for faith? For courage? For freedom? For the ability to think and question, weigh risk against reward, to reason and decide?

God didn’t make robots…on purpose.


What wild geese are you chasing today? Don’t get so bogged down in the details of life that you forget to have some fun along the way.

Grace and Peace!

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Psalm 188:24

A Tuesday reminder

“What if, instead of thinking we have to choose between our ordinary life and an extraordinary life, we began to realize they’re the same thing?

What if we stopped asking God for big ways to serve him and started walking with our friend Jesus into the next simple moment in front of us?”

Emily P. Freeman, Simply Tuesday

After taking so long to wander through and digest this book, perhaps it is no wonder that I am still pondering so much of it. What book(s) is God using to bless you? Share with me.

(…and we’ll both just pretend that my stack of too-be-reads isn’t already in danger of toppling over.)

Grace and Peace!


I tried something new awhile back and did a tutorial from a wonderful artist I follow on IG. I was in a rut and thought her happy, smiling, go-for-it attitude might be just the thing to get me going that day. I followed her instructions to make multiple sweet, cute, cuddly-looking #amandaevanstonbunnies, but instead…I got these.

yeah. That really happened. I made #gangsta-bunnies. Oh, well.

Meet Walter and Vera. They absolutely LOATHE spring pollen, but they wish you a perfectly adequate weekend, just the same. (Insert a sarcastic eye roll from each of them here.)

Shakespeare might have been onto something with that “To thine own self be true”-thing! (Ha!) Celebrate your Friday however works best for you!!

Here’s to Grace and Peace–and better attitudes!! (LOL!!)

Paying attention

“Usually we interpret treasure to mean our two basic reaources: time and money. But an even more precious resource is attention….Because attention leads to awareness….Because what you give your attention to is the person you become.”

John Mark Comer, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

Who and what has YOUR attention today? That’s something to think about.

Grace and Peace!

Scripture fulfilled

Genesis 1: 8-9

“God called the expanse heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day. Then God said, “Let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so.”

Just as each verse in Scripture reveals something about God and His nature, every vista I see in nature reveals the fulfillment of what His Word has said. I pray you look for and see His beauty today.

(Btw, I think if God had said, Let there be blue” it might have looked something like this. I’m so glad He decided to grant us the gift of color!)

Grace and Peace!

Watching and waiting

Psalm 121

I lift my eyes toward the mountains.
Where will my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not allow your foot to slip;
your Protector will not slumber.
Indeed, the Protector of Israel
does not slumber or sleep.

The Lord protects you;
the Lord is a shelter right by your side.
The sun will not strike you by day
or the moon by night.

The Lord will protect you from all harm;
he will protect your life.
The Lord will protect your coming and going
both now and forever.