Books: Beside the Chair

Here’s the list of the books currently in residence beside my chair…

  • The Bible (naturally)
  • Prodigal God–Tim Keller
  • Why Do You Believe That–Mary Jo Sharp
  • Liturgy of the Ordinary–Tish Harrison Warren

…and then, there’s always some fiction, too, but it rarely stays around long enough to warrant a place on the list…needed as a spacer for some lighter reading in between the “marinating” of the heart and mind in the deeper things…(smile)

2 thoughts on “Books: Beside the Chair

  1. What is your take on Seven: an experiemental mutiny against excess? I had considered buying it, but I already have sooo many books on my to read list.


  2. I’ve been taking my time on it, Cindy. Very convicting–and occasionally, very odd. :~) She and I think so differently on some things and so similarly on others. It’s been very interesting. If you want, you can borrow my copy when you get ready to read that one! I’m on the last chapter–the one about reducing stress. HA!


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