Strength of dependence

I’ve set regular reminders on my phone calendar to pray for various people and situations. The frequency of the prayers requests vary for many of them. Some are weekly, others monthly or seasonal, but I also have a few that are daily requests. Why would I need a reminder to do something already I do every single day? Because it’s too important to leave even the possibility that I might forget or fail to set aside time for them in the rush of other tasks.

As I was talking to God about one of those daily requests the other day, I prayed for strength of body, strength of mind, strength of character, strength of faith, and strength of dependence upon God.

Even as I prayed it, my mind took a quick halt as I considered the implications of that request: strength of dependence. That’s an odd phrase. Was that what “I” meant to ask for or was it what I was meant to ask for?

It works both ways some days. As I pray, I ask God to guide my prayers, to keep them in alignment with both His will and His Word. My prayers aren’t just left up to me. I don’t know what He knows. As one who intercedes, I have a responsibility to take that into account. He knows I understand that and, sometimes, He slips in things that I would never have thought to ask on my own.

Our modern culture takes great delight in strength and casts aspersions uopon being dependent. As an independent-minded individual myself, I rarely exult in being dependent for anything at any time on anyone…at least anyone except for God. I am wholly aware of my dependence on Him…and I am aware that my dependence on Him is also one of my deepest strengths.

That’s what I want for those I love: the strength to choose to be dependent on God and the strength of faith that comes as they watch Him turn that dependence into something solid enough to move mountains.

Well. No matter Whose (I know, God.) idea it was, it was exactly what I was supposed to pray for these young men…and for me…and for you.

“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”

Jeremiah 29:12

Grace and Peace!

Choosing delight

My friend Cindy is a great one to hold me accountable, so I wasn’t the least bit surprised when she texted me yesterday to ask what I was “practicing.” I immediately replied, “GRATITUDE!!” and followed that up with a list of things I was grateful for right in that moment. Everywhere I looked yesterday I saw a list of things to be grateful for–and that delighted me.

I always love it when God has a follow-up session and He did…early this morning between 12:01 and 1:05A. I actually got out of bed twice to reach for a pen and some paper and remind myself to make sure I put some closer to the bed than my table in the den. I’ll be doing that shortly. Still, it had been awhile since I was wakened in that way (hence the lack of readily available implements) and even that awakening gave me a sense of delight.

At first I didn’t even turn on a light, but I wasn’t sure the pen actually had ink, so I quickly flashed a nearby lamp just to make sure what I written was visible. Turns out, they both had ink. The 2nd time I didn’t bother. I just grabbed a pen, turned over the page, and scribbled.

Sure enough, this morning the pink ink still sprawled across the page and while the message may not be as profound (or may even be a “duh!”-type thing) to you, it was definitely a reminder for this hopefully recovering perfectionist: ”Delight is not denial.”

My goodness! I am grateful for that. For each of the things I listed in my mind yesterday, and including the ones I texted back to Cindy, there is the obvious realization that they are not yet complete. Neither are they perfect. I used to get hung up in that lack of perfection and failed to celebrate the state of things (and people, myself included!) that were in process. That’s quite a thing for an optimistic realist (or maybe that should say a realistic optimist?) to admit, but there I was…for years. This blog, in fact, was my 1st attempt to move past acceptance and actually celebrate that I, too, am in process and, though some days are slower than others, I am making progress.

I used to place my internal celebrations on hold until all the work was done on a project. It doesn’t take long to realize that if you keep waiting for/insisting on perfection–or sometimes, even just completion–you will miss out on celebration all the way around. You will also miss out on quite a bit of delight in the progress made along the way.

I don’t want to ever do that again.

While many of the things on my list yesterday were details about our new home, many of those same details come with a long to-do list. I still see the need for nails, mortar, caulking, paint, and cleaning, but I am choosing gratitude for the fact that I am the one who gets to complete these tasks while I get to live here–and that they don’t all have to be done today! I am choosing grace and gratitude over grumbling…and, friends, that means choosing delight.

Grace and Peace!

Noticing November–Day 14

You are looking at what might be the ugliest sink ever. You are also looking at an answer to prayers, hopes, and, yes, even a few dreams.

I finally have a laundry room with a sink. God even went the extra mile and gave me 2 basins.

They are brown. BROWN, I tell you! (just making sure you noticed.) They are also stained with old paint, have a few chipped places, and the shine only extends so far on the sides, having long since left the bottom. This is absolutely as clean as I can get them. I promise you that.

They are perfect.

You see, I’ve always wanted a big laundry room with a sink and plenty of counter space. Thankfully, the people who renovated back in the early 1970s saw fit to add all these things…back when I was in 1st or 2nd grade. (grin)

I know. I could replace the lemon yellow counter tops and I could certainly upgrade even if I just changed out the sink, but I think it will get to stay for awhile yet. You see, I’ve always wanted a sink where I could just walk in from outside with dirty hands and a handful of greenery, grab a vase and make something pretty happen. I’ll bet this sink has had that happen a lot over the years.

I want to be able to drop a bucket in the sink and fill it up or empty it without dragging it to the kitchen. I don’t want to worry if it has dirt on the bottom or if it slips and bangs the sides. It’s right close to the washer, so stains and messes don’t have to stick around long, and right next to the closet with the water heater, so I don’t have to wait more than 2.3 seconds if I need that. (Seriously. It arrives QUICKLY. Ask me how I know you better turn on the cold water faucet 1st.)

I know you might be wondering why I’ve spent time and more than a few syllables talking about an ugly brown sink, but I’ve noticed that sometimes we miss out on recognizing and celebrating the answers to our prayers just because they don’t always arrive in pristine condition with a big red bow on top.

I don’t want to do that any more. I’d rather you not do that either. It is absolutely no fun.

Take a look around today and see if you might have missed an opportunity to tell God “thank you!” See if you can push past your expectations and celebrate the gifts right in front of you. That is NOT “settling.” It IS choosing to be grateful and–make no mistake about it–Gratitude IS a choice.

Make good choices today.

Grace and Peace–and NO Complaints!

A Pop of Color

Each year, we eagerly await God’s paintbrush across the mountains and enjoy the pops of color as they begin to arrive. Our recent rides through the countryside provided ample opportunity to enjoy both the beauty of the fading summer season and the coming days of autumn.

“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”

Genesis 8:22 (NIV)

I love that from the very beginning God chose to create changing colors and make that part of our way to experience His constancy. How many gifts of His we see without recognition or acknowledgment of our Giving Creator!

What will you tell Him “THANK YOU!” for today?


Then He said to them, “Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions.”

Luke 12:15

I read this verse today and thought about how appropriate is for me as I work to get everything cleaned out of the storage locker. There isn’t much left there anymore. I am more excited about that than I can tell you. I am down to 2 art easels, a box of china, 2 boxes of reference material, various cartons of chemicals that seem to multiply every time I look at them, a metal shelf, my cherry-red hand truck, and a random box of NuGrape soda…unopened. It is, arguably, the most expensive thing in the pile. Don’t ask me why. I haven’t got a clue.

What I do know is that no matter how much or how little you own, you will touch each item at least 97 times over the course of a move. That alone may be enough to keep some people in place and it makes a very compelling argument for adopting a more minimalist mindset for the rest of us!

Something else I’ve been reminded of as I have touched each of these things that own me (83 times, so far, and counting!) is that some memories weigh more than you think, so it’s a good idea to only surround yourself with the happy ones. I have been grateful for my long-standing rules about 1 in-1 out and only keeping the things that perform a function, add to your comfort, or make you smile.

As much as I smile and remember when I look around at all these things, I am tired of moving them. I’m almost at the finish line–and, for that, I am totally grateful! While I have many possessions that bring me joy, this move also reminds me that the true abundance in my life is found in knowing and serving God, loving on the people He has given into my care, and being aware that I am fully defined by Christ and not by the things I have surrounding me.

May you also be so blessed.
Grace and Peace!


My husband and I had a recent conversation about the difficulties in applying the Biblical instruction about “taking every thought captive” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

As with most things in life, we tend to get what we rehearse. It’s true. We get better as we rehearse, no matter what we’re choosing to repeat. Our bodies develop muscle memory as we perform repetitive tasks…and so do our brains…and our attitudes.

Practice makes perfect, so…what are you rehearsing today?


I want to rehearse faith and gratitude until they multiply and bloom like lily pads. Join me?

Grace and Peace!

NCN2022–Day 24

Happy Thanksgiving, lovely people!

God is so good! Today I am giving thanks for my wonderful husband, a house with heat (yay!! a new HVAC was installed yesterday and it is working like a charm!), cheerful workmen, delicious food, friends who love well, good neighbors, and a family filled with love and amazing memories.

Among my most delightful memories is my maternal grandmother’s recitation from her school days as our family gathered to celebrate this holiday. As is my tradition, I share it here again in her honor with a grateful heart for all the love she gave us while on this earth:

Thanksgiving Dinner”

I don’t believe in eating much

of turkey, pumpkin pie and such.

It makes me dream bad dreams at night

and then, besides, it’s not polite.

So I’m not going to stuff and stuff

and act like I can’t get enough.

For me a turkey leg will do

with just a slice of breast or two,

then some liver, gizzard, and a wing,

Lots of dressing, that’s the thing!

Mashed potatoes to make me grow

Squash and cabbages, they’re fine, you know,

And I must have some cranberries, too,

And layer cake–two pieces will do.

Then of pumpkin pie so yellow–

One piece, because I’m a little fellow.

With nuts and apples I shall quit

and not ask for another bit.

For it isn’t good the doctors say

To eat too much on Thanksgiving Day!

May your memories, your gatherings, and your attitudes all be sweet today! God be praised!!!

Grace & Peace, everyone!


I’m not math person. I never have been. While I am excellent at keeping my checkbook balanced, that’s more about the details of putting things in their place than it is about addition or subtraction. My greatest excitement about math came as a highschool senior when I realized that my verbal skills allowed me to understand the word problems, even though I couldn’t muster any excitement about solving them. I happily slid through said classes, collected my “B” and heaved a heartfelt sigh of relief. (I think Miss Easley did, too!)

I married a numbers person. My engineer-husband can do things in his head that I couldn’t do with 3 calculators and additional “phone-a-friend” options. I’ve actually seen him do math for fun. That’s scary.

Oddly enough, I became part of a group in college in which each person was assigned a number. Numbered 1-12, we are as likely to answer to “our numbers” as we are to our names when we’re together. That’s actually been quite helpful at times in crowded situations, since you rarely hear someone calling out numbers as they go through an unfamiliar mall in a strange city! (Grin)

Over time, our numbers have come to represent different character traits. What we all have in common, however, is our unified desire to see one another succeed regardless of endeavor. I am blessed by these women and by so many other friends God has chosen to gift me throughout the years.

Over the past few days of Lent, I’ve been countering “all of the scary numbers” on the news by using some of my former “FB-time” to lift prayers of thanksgiving for the friends and community God has given me. I’ve also been singing a song of blessing as I’ve lifted prayers of request on behalf of some of those same people and many others I may never meet this side of heaven. If you’re reading this, you’re on my list of blessing, so I include this passage from the Book of Numbers (isn’t God FUN?!) as I give thanks for each of you, as well:

“The Lord bless you

    and keep you;

the Lord make his face shine on you

    and be gracious to you;

the Lord turn his face toward you

    and give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV)

I’m also adding this link so that you can take a few moments and hear “The BLESSING” set to music. May God use it to His glory and your benefit today. I am glad you are numbered among my blessings today!

Grace and peace!

NCN2020–Day 26-29


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I know it’s all a little bit different this year, but I couldn’t let this day pass without sharing my Grandmother Hodum’s Thanksgiving poem again. For those of you who are new, she used to recite this “piece” for us every year when I was growing up and it is one of the great blessings of life that my Cousin Suzanne got her write it down one day so that we still have it in her own scratchy handwriting! I can still hear her voice…

“Thanksgiving Dinner”

I don’t believe in eating much

of turkey, pumpkin pie and such.

It makes me dream bad dreams at night

and then, besides, it’s not polite.

So I’m not going to stuff and stuff

and act like I can’t get enough.

For me a turkey leg will do

with just a slice of breast or two,

then some liver, gizzard, and a wing,

Lots of dressing, that’s the thing!

Mashed potatoes to make me grow

Squash and cabbages, they’re fine, you know,

And I must have some cranberries, too,

And layer cake–two pieces will do.

Then of pumpkin pie so yellow–

One piece, because I’m a little fellow.

With nuts and apples I shall quit

and not ask for another bit.

For it isn’t good the doctors say

To eat too much on Thanksgiving Day!

No matter where you are or who you’re with, make today–and EVERY day!!–a day of true Thanksgiving and enjoy the feast of life.

Grace & Peace, everyone!

NCN2020–Day 23

My morning has been filled with matching EOBs and medical bills, getting those bills paid, and finding the unexpected blessing of some medical supplies for a loved one. On the surface, that might not sound like fun…and it isn’t, but it IS a reminder that health is a blessing and a resource that many take for granted. We should make every opportunity to use it wisely.

We’ve been working on that and, as a result, we now need some new clothes. (yay us!) It’s another expenditure–and it’s also been another opportunity to bless several people with good quality clothing, some of which still had the tags attached. That might sound like waste…and, perhaps, in some cases it was, but it’s also a reminder to use our resources to help and bless others and to be better stewards in the future by buying only what we truly need.

I’ve also been gathering information for the fees and taxes that must be paid in the days ahead. I don’t know a single person who loves to spend money that way, but it also reminds me to give thanks for the roof over my head, the job that provides both an opportunity to earn and an opportunity to serve, and the one who loves me well in the doing of that job. It reminds me, too, that even though our country is divided politically, I still have an obligation to care, to pray, to participate, and to vote because I still want to have a say in how those many fees and taxes are assessed and allocated.

THIS is what NO COMPLAIN NOVEMBER is truly about: acknowledging the things that can become areas of frustration and finding a way to turn them into opportunities for learning and thanksgiving.

In this week where we celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving, I pray we will also allow the spirit behind it to permeate our circumstances and become a permanent attitude of gratitude. We have a chance to become people of influence for GOOD and for God. We just have to decide what legacy we want to leave behind us.

I’m not sure the original colonists who celebrated the harvest and their survival of a difficult journey and horrendously hard year had any thoughts about legacy, but their choice to celebrate even in the face of their hardships is a lesson worth learning, living, and sharing. We get to choose. What will your choice be today?

“Do not let unwholesome [foul, profane, worthless, vulgar] words ever come out of your mouth, but only such speech as is good for building up others, according to the need and the occasion, so that it will be a blessing to those who hear [you speak].” Ephesians 4:29 (Amplified Bible)

Grace and Peace.