Quiet work

I worked almost all last week on one post…and never completed it. I’m still ruminating about it and, to be honest, I’m not entirely sure I’ll ever be through with it. Some days it’s like that. God brings up subjects to make me consider them and see if I’m willing–or need to!–to change, to reconsider, to be open to new ideas. He also does this so I will measure my thoughts and actions and attitudes against His Word and be reassured of the alignment I find…or need to.

This morning I hear the sounds of a plumber working away in my kitchen. He also has tasks in 2 bathrooms once he’s through there. I cannot be of any help there.

I am staying out of the way, since I have no skills to add to his work, and I have relegated myself to the art/hobby room to add details to some gift bags that have been waiting for just such a moment.

This is something I can do. It is quiet work. Busy work. Thinking time work…and I have plenty of that yet to do.

May God challenge us all in the best ways possible this week. May we make the most of our time and use our skills to bless those around us…as we think according to God’s own Word.

“’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.'” Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV)

Grace and Peace!

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